It's time to maintain the balance that is within ourselves. Have you have taken the time out the day to truly check on how your state of balance? Do you just wallow away as the day goes by worrying about everything but the most important thing? We have to remained focused on the vibrations that we want to obtain, so that we do not lose track of the ultimate satisfaction that we are looking for. As we move in our own frequencies, realize that we are all in the same wavelength trying to find the tranquility that keeps our aura vibrant.
When we discover the properties that sustain the balance, there will begin to an overflow into your atmosphere, attracting those that match what you are releasing and will not create top-heavy friction.

Take the time to meditate. You will not understand yourself until you use solitude to rediscover yourself. Everyday we are consistently developing into newer and higher beings.. IF we allow ourselves to become open to the levels. They are there for us to receive but we have to be at the same state of mind to grasp that sense of higher learning.
Don't forget that we are all here to find peace, love and happiness. The person next to you could use that smile of yours. Peel away the image of having it ALL together.. no one truly has it all together. Spread a smile a day and watch how your energy will begin to change and circulate into newer and amazing ways.