The journey for expansion is NOW! Life is committed to growth, just step outside into nature, observe and you'll see. The plants and animals are constantly growing without hesitation. Elevation begins when we allow ourselves to become not only teachers but students as well. Step outside of the ego and allow your horizon to expand to new perspectives and higher innerstandings. STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Learn to create an innerstanding of what you desire to visualize; what may seem impossible AS possible. The only limitations are created from oneself. You create the blockages and you can also dismantle them. Everyone is not going to understand what your vision is, and that is okay. We are entitled to our own way of life, regardless who of innerstands. Diversity is what makes the world so unique and exhilarating. ASK QUESTIONS!
There is an abundance of knowledge that is consumable which requires the mind to operate like a sponge. The water to a sponge is similar to information to the mind. As the sponge retains the water, the sponge begins to grow bigger in size. We must allow our minds to do the same.
Try clenching onto a sponge tightly as you pour water on it, keeping a firm grip on the sponge. Take notice of what happens to the sponge and the water. Not only does the sponge have to work extra hard in order to make room to grow in size, but there will also be water that will not be retained because of the forceful grip.
That is the same thing that we do to our minds. We limit the knowledge that we can absorb by not allowing our grip to be loosened. Let go of the need to control the mind and allow the mind to operate as it should. You can control what you consume, you can power your mind to become the source of substantial enlightenment. Let go of the grip.. and allow your mind to expand to the higher frequencies to obtain higher abundance.